Langley Fox
Langley Fox, an LA-based artist, has collaborated with brands like Marc Jacobs and Gucci, with her work featured on covers of the likes of V Magazine. Now focusing on fine arts, she explores themes of the depression-era, using mediums such as ballpoint pen, graphite, and occasionally oil paint.

1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Why did you want to become an artist?
I always wanted to be an artist when I found out you could do that as a career which was around kindergarten. I have always liked being somewhat alone and drawing/making things hidden away was always like being with my best friends. It seemed to fulfil me in ways nothing else could or can.
2. Having had experience in the fashion industry, did this help you decide what print to use for this apparel?
I went to school for fashion design originally and have done many different collaborations with brands when starting out my career, so I think it translates well.
3. What are your aspirations for your artwork, what's next?
I’m working diligently on oil painting and finding my way into the fine arts with hopefully some exhibitions on the horizon. That has always been the target.

4. How do you personally relate to your work?
I’d say making art for me is like a lifeline, I can’t not do it but it also is very hard. I obsess over it constantly with worry and hopes and dreams and fears. It fuels me and it simultaneously takes me down but I wouldn’t give it up for anything.
5. What message would you give aspiring artists?
I’d say ride the wave between the ebbs and flows of it. Even if it doesn’t always bring in the money we so badly desire, it feeds your soul and heart and you’ll know deep down that you're doing the right thing.